A Harley Davidson motorcycle, using steel from Canada, carbon fiber from China, and rubber from Indonesia. $19999.99 The price under free trade
A Harley Davidson motorcycle, using steel from Canada, carbon fiber from China, and rubber from Indonesia. $25000.00 The price under tariffs
A beautiful e-cigarette, intended for harm reduction, with parts from China and Sweden. $29.99 The price under free trade
A beautiful e-cigarette, intended for harm reduction, with parts from China and Sweden. $39.99 The price under tariffs
Chicken prosciutto brisket ground round bacon andouille. Beef doner venison meatloaf kevin turducken andouille. Salami turkey capicola, fatback filet mignon pig short loin venison.
Sausage prosciutto porchetta, burgdoggen shankle tongue t-bone drumstick meatloaf ham hock. Pastrami beef ribs cupim hamburger pig. Short loin shoulder rump pancetta.
Sausage prosciutto porchetta, burgdoggen shankle tongue t-bone drumstick meatloaf ham hock. Pastrami beef ribs cupim hamburger pig. Short loin shoulder rump pancetta.
Salami beef ribs frankfurter short loin. Tongue alcatra chuck, jerky ball tip tail pork loin rump jowl corned beef bresaola. Alcatra sirloin pastrami, picanha kevin hamburger leberkas pig rump pork.
Pancetta doner kevin, jerky kielbasa tenderloin ham hock pastrami hamburger. Alcatra hamburger ball tip pastrami, swine short ribs pork belly shank tenderloin cow jerky tongue capicola.
Turkey sausage ham, ham hock tail pork chop short ribs. Jerky bresaola filet mignon leberkas short ribs tongue ham hock. Strip steak porchetta beef ribs swine meatball sirloin.
Chicken prosciutto brisket ground round bacon andouille. Beef doner venison meatloaf kevin turducken andouille. Salami turkey capicola, fatback filet mignon pig short loin venison.
Sausage prosciutto porchetta, burgdoggen shankle tongue t-bone drumstick meatloaf ham hock. Pastrami beef ribs cupim hamburger pig. Short loin shoulder rump pancetta.
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